Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS) is a premier Bangladeshi non-governmental organization formed by a group of students of Dhaka Residential Model School and later of the University of Dhaka in 1974 when the country was hit by the worst famine in recent history. MSS started its mission with humanitarian aid which later reoriented its focus on poverty alleviation through microfinance and development. Apart from poverty alleviation of the marginalized people, MSS is promoting food security, women and child rights, nutrition, health services, housing, and primary education with a vision to establish a society free from poverty where there is equality among citizens and citizens’ rights and dignity are respected. In January 1977, the movement was given an organizational shape in Dhaka under the name of Shahajya Sangstha (SAS) which was subsequently renamed Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS). Thereafter, MSS started health and population services in 1982; an integrated savings and credit program for the urban poor in 1984 which has since become sustainable and was again on the front line when the focus of development shifted to building democratic societies and promoting good governance. MSS-WCP, the flagship program is growing with the inclusion of more members and the opening of new branches. As of November 2023, MSS is operating its microfinance program through 162 branches in 122 Upazila of 17 districts. MSS emphasizes social services programs to complement its credit program for the holistic development of underserved people.

Registration Details

Registration Authority Registration # Registration Date Last Renewed
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies S-657 April 17, 1979 N/A
Bureau of NGO Affairs 130 November 23, 1982 May 15, 2020
Microcredit Regulatory Authority 00165-01033-00233 May 14, 2008 2022-23

Vision & Mission


  • Initiate welfare projects for the underprivileged segments of society
  • Promote democracy, good governance and rights focusing on women and children
  • Promote savings and extend credit to underprivileged urban and rural women
  • Provide healthcare services, family planning, child immunization and clinical backup
  • Provide relief to calamity-stricken people

General Body (GB), Executive Committee (EC) and Management

Any adult citizen engaged in any profession and possessing initiative and enthusiasm for social welfare is eligible to become a member of MSS’s General Body (GB). The 17-member GB approves the annual report, audit report, budget and appoints the Auditor. It meets at least once a year and elects a seven-member Executive Committee (EC) for a period of three years from amongst themselves.

The EC formulates policies, guidelines, and directives for the management. It appoints and evaluates the Executive Director (ED)/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other project directors. The President and Treasurer co-sign cheques with the ED and Finance Head. It meets at least four times a year. In case of emergencies, it may, however, meet anytime as needed. The EC constitutes special committees to deal with specific issues such as finances.

The management team headed by the ED comprises a full-time staff of the organization tasked with the execution of the policies. The top management is supported by a group of committed staff.


Transparency is a core value at MSS. We operate openly and candidly and provide full disclosure on issues around conflict of interest, operations and funding practices. In addition, MSS prepares annual reports and audits its accounts by external auditor appointed by the GB. The reports are disseminated to the stakeholders.

Strategic Focus

MSS is pledge bound to empower the underserved people by making resources and essential services available to them. It has a 10 years business plan. The Finance Committee exercises oversight on financial matters and vets all plans before seeking EC approval. The organization adopts programs based on the needs of its target people.

Internal Control Systems

A robust internal auditing and monitoring system is in place at MSS. In addition, it has a management information system (MIS). MSS has a Finance Committee (FC) that meets at least once every two months to deal with the financial matters. It also has a core committee comprising heads of the department and a senior management committee consisting heads of the department and section heads. Each committee has its own terms of references.

For smooth operation of microfinance activities, it has a committee at the area level called Loans Administration Committee (LAC) that meets once a week. Branch Managers also attend the LAC meeting. The committee looks into progress of clients and programs. The LAC approves loans. MSS has service rules and procurement policy which are adhered to. The EC meeting is held quarterly. The management reports on programs and financial status or any special projects or issues of importance is submitted to EC by ED/CEO. The ED/CEO discusses matters with the President who then consults all relevant issues with the members. If the issue is financial, the convener of finance committee is consulted. Decisions of the committee are recorded.

There is an internal audit department headed by an Assistant Director-Audit and Compliance who reports to the CEO on any discrepancy that he finds at the head office and field level operations. Headed by a Deputy Director-Finance & Accounts, MSS has its finance department that follows international accounting standard and principles. The finance department maintains cash books, ledger, different registers and all relevant documents. An accounting software is used to record all transactions including its credit operations which make it possible to generate real time reports. The staffs are involved in recording all financial transactions, preparing financial statements, budgets and analyzing financial reports. Regular supervision and monitoring are done to see accuracy of reports and information sent from the field level offices. The CEO and the Head of Finance and Accounts sign all cheques regarding operational expenditure. The financial statements are prepared monthly as well as on yearly basis. These include: Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. To evaluate financial performance ratio analysis is also done periodically.